Friday, August 25, 2006

YIC Meeting Agenda...

Young Inventors Club
Friday August 25, 2006

I. Fundraising:
Candy (BJ’s huge bags-cheap), begin Sep. 5th (Monday)-last for 2Weeks?

II. Dues:
$10 (no t-shirt)
$15 (t-shirt)
Dues due by end of September!
Shirt sizes will be taken on Sep. 6th (2nd Club Meeting)

III. MIT InvenTeams:
A. Chosen as one of 36 Finalists for 2007!
B. Final Application due by 5pm, Monday, Sep. 25, 2006.

MIT Final Application
A. We will be dividing into different groups: Writing, Money, Research, Design (Art)
Each group will have a captain
and they are urged to meet
at least 2 times a week on their own time!!!
B. Mrs. Bisset and I will come up with a Project Organization Sheet and Timeline.
We need everyone’s collaboration if we want to get this project accomplished!

IV. Questions…Comments?

V. Any doubts, Questions, or Comments can be sent to:

VI. Sending Yovanni to ICC meeting to represent YIC (Sept. 6, 2006)

We will be meeting again next week…date will be announced soon!!!

YIC Meeting Pictures...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Welcome to YIC's Blog Page!

McA Young Inventors Club Members...

This is our new blog page! Here I will be posting updates, agendas, and other important matters of the club. Make sure that you check back as often as possible, since I will be posting very important information that you may need. Thanks for all of your support and a special thanks to our wonderful sponsor...Mrs. Bisset!

YIC President