Young Inventors Club
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I. Update contact cards
II. Dues
$5 per member
Need a list of everyone that has paid
III. Notebooks
Need everyone to document ideas
Today-document your material ideas
IV. Fundraiser Committee (Brittany Hoover)
Report; fundraiser ideas, project approvals, etc.
Goal: to raise close to $7,000 for all members to attend MIT
Krispy Kreme donuts; project-approval, contact company!
V. Patent Research (Yovanni G. and Dennis H.)
Report on patents must be turned-in TODAY!
VI. Software (David H.)
VII. Public Relations (Natasha R. and Stephanie M.)
What have you decided?
VIII. Shirts
Need sizes
Will be ordered Thursday
Fill out tax exemption sheet
IX. Prototype presentations
Give points/hours
Natasha R., 4 hours
Joe, 3 hours
Leyssa and Natasha W., 2 hours
Stephanie M., 1 hour
X. Next general meeting
January 31, 2007 (Last Wednesday of Month)
Will be collecting notebooks for revision at this meeting
XI. Progress Report
Due February 9, 2007
XII. BKFK Invent-A-Toy World Games
XIII. Prototype
Leyssa and Natasha W.; work on clay sculpture of prototype
Discuss materials needed for prototype; must order ASAP (this month!)
XIV. Questions…Comments?
XV. Meeting Adjourned